Tag: Word-of-Mouth Marketing

June 26, 2015

One Year of BNI Signature

‪#‎BNISignature‬ is a group of business owners and professionals who meet regularly to introduce qualified business to each other. It has been my main platform of meeting people in the last one year. No, it is not my platform to monetise. Yes, there are people out there who can sell RM50,000 insurance policies and/or close RM50million unit trust investments to strangers in one sitting. Please […]

March 26, 2015

Structured Education – Free and On-Going

So many misconceptions surround the word “networking”. Are any of these scenarios familiar? …Networking is going to functions and meetings, passing out and collecting as many business cards as possible. …Networking is used only by multi-level marketing (MLM). …Networking is automatic. …I always ask for referrals from my clients; yet they rarely refer to me the one that I want? …Networking is fake, impersonal and […]

March 19, 2015

Structures in the BNI System that Keeps Me Going

BNI, or Business Network International, is the largest business and professional organisation of its kind. This 30 year old organisation has over 178,000 members in 7,094 chapters across 58 countries. It is almost a year since I actively joined BNI Signature. I believe it was the second or third Information Meeting in March 2014. In January that year, I attended the BNI Pioneer (Kuching) launch. […]