Tag: BNI Sarawak

November 3, 2015

BNI-style Weekly Presentation: Internet Marketers and Advertising Agencies

This video is a BNI-style Weekly Presentation. I share of an experience where I serviced my client, a boutique agency based in Johor Bahru, by using the Internet. If you happen to know Internet marketers and Advertising Agency looking to reduce cost by outsourcing their copywriting functions, please share the video with them. Thanks! #GiversGain #BNISignature #BNIEminence #ChangingTheWayTheWorldDoesBusiness #LocalBusinessGlobalNetwork #EntrepreneursOnFire #BNI #WeeklyPresentation #Copywriting #CopywritingWeeklyPresentation

November 3, 2015

You Are the Company that You Keep

They said: show me your friends, I’ll show you where you will be in 5 years time. I am grateful for having supportive and positive people around me. Whether they are from #BNISignature, #BNIEminence, #BNIPower, #BNIPioneer, or in #BNI in general, or my family members, relatives, friends, and associates who readily give advice and share their knowledge. I am thankful for the philosophy of #GiversGain. […]

November 1, 2015

YouTube – 1st Video Update in 6 years!

#SoNearYetSoFar On Friday, I had a meeting with Johnson Woan after over 2 years since our chance encounter at MPH tHe Spring Kuching. During our 6 hour meeting, we got to exchange ideas. Johnson was very generous in sharing his experiences and the trends of the Network Marketing Industry. Johnson has been with Mona Vie since I met him 2 years back. In 2015, MonaVie […]

November 1, 2015

BNI NEC: Six Traditions of BNI

With over 180,000 business owners and professionals worldwide, how do you know you are in a BNI chapter? BNI’s success can be traced to these six traditions no matter where you are. ===== Follow me everywhere! ===== Official site: http://aldrictinker.com/ My JSite: http://atinker86.jeunessemy.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AldricTinker IG: @atinkertoyad Twitter: @ibanese_aldric Telegram: @atinkertoyad WeChat: @aldrict FB:https://www.facebook.com/ATinkerToyad Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/atinkertoyad/ ===== About A. Tinker Toyad ===== Hi! I’m Aldric […]

October 15, 2015

29 Awesome Years!

First, let me thank my family, friends, and relatives for the warm birthday greetings this week. I appreciate all the effort you have put into – especially the beautiful collages and photos. It’s my second year after my Mom’s passing. Birthdays are not as they used to be. In the last 12 months, a lot has happened. The journey has been very surreal! Allow me […]

June 26, 2015

One Year of BNI Signature

‪#‎BNISignature‬ is a group of business owners and professionals who meet regularly to introduce qualified business to each other. It has been my main platform of meeting people in the last one year. No, it is not my platform to monetise. Yes, there are people out there who can sell RM50,000 insurance policies and/or close RM50million unit trust investments to strangers in one sitting. Please […]

June 22, 2015

Testimonial letter from Wijasa Media

  This testimonial was for the speech writing work I did for the Sarawak Wawasan Women Entrepreneurs Association (SARANITA). The project was to write a speech for one of the Guest of Honour for the eSaranita web portal launch: www.esaranita.com. Thank you for the opportunity and testimonial!

April 9, 2015

C’est Avril!

Wow, New Year’s Day felt like yesterday! We’ve entered the Second Quarter (2Q 2015) without us realising. This is the month of many changes! First, on BNI Signature Chapter. Our new leadership team has begun their term. A BNI chapter’s leadership team is made up of three principal officers: the President, the Membership Coordinator and the Secretary Treasurer. To check out the current roster, click […]

March 26, 2015

Structured Education – Free and On-Going

So many misconceptions surround the word “networking”. Are any of these scenarios familiar? …Networking is going to functions and meetings, passing out and collecting as many business cards as possible. …Networking is used only by multi-level marketing (MLM). …Networking is automatic. …I always ask for referrals from my clients; yet they rarely refer to me the one that I want? …Networking is fake, impersonal and […]