Category: My $100 Startup

October 31, 2015

Don’t Just Dream

What happens if you combined copywriting (8 years), public speaking (11 years), business relationship (2 years), knowledge of social media & content marketing (6 years), & a passion for people with the potential of the Internet? Turn every mistake and experience into a learning opportunity for action today! #GiversGain #BNISignature #BNIEminence #BNISarawak #EntrepreneursOnFire #SoNearYetSoFar A photo posted by A. Tinker Toyad (@a.tinkertoyad) on Oct 30, […]

October 30, 2015

Starting a Business is Expensive, but not How you think.

Returning to the MLM BOP on Wednesday night. In the same session, Jason Kong, the speaker, was relating how he started his business. “As an employee, you are your boss’ money making machine.” Thanks to Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad made popular in 2000, I think most of the Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials share the same view. What he shared next was something attendees did not […]

March 26, 2015

Structured Education – Free and On-Going

So many misconceptions surround the word “networking”. Are any of these scenarios familiar? …Networking is going to functions and meetings, passing out and collecting as many business cards as possible. …Networking is used only by multi-level marketing (MLM). …Networking is automatic. …I always ask for referrals from my clients; yet they rarely refer to me the one that I want? …Networking is fake, impersonal and […]

October 5, 2014

Tying Some Loose Ends

In 2013, I undertook some personal development exercises. One of which is the Certified Copywriting Specialist programme from the Business Training Institute, USA ( Designed to be completed after a 6-months study, candidates must complete some mandatory readings. Then they must undertake a special project. And finally a set of multiple choice questions Upon passing will they be a Certified Copywriting Specialist awarded by this […]

September 13, 2014

Opportunities Aplenty – Are We Really Ready of Independence?

With talks of independence and secession buzzing once again on the social media, many are feeling uneasy. Secession. Sarawak for Sarawakians. Sabah for Sabahans. Independence. These words are all too familiar. Once upon a time, I too favour a politically independent Sarawak. Until a time when I realised independence for the sake of independence will not solve all our problems. If anything, it could open […]

December 19, 2013

Entering Day #3

Today (December 19th, 2013) is my third day. What is happening? After so much dragging of my feet, distractions and – above all – demotivation, I acted. What am I acting on? First, my dreams and goals. Until three days ago, I was floating aimlessly. Following the flow. I recently resigned from a retail pharmacy store after being on the operations team for almost two […]

December 17, 2013

The Easy Step is Done…

After much delay, the easy step is done! Lo and behold, a print screen taken from, my first microsite in years. But this is only the beginning in a long list of things-to-do!! Integrating Passions and Service Since 2008, I have been receiving creative briefs and sending my copy via email. My client was based in Johor Bahru. I was first in Kuala Lumpur. […]