Author: Aldric

Copywriter. Emersed in conversations about politics, economics, business, personal finance, theology, and entrepreneurship. Starting golf. Enjoy travelling and experiencing the many things in life.
September 21, 2013

Revolusi dan Perjuangan

Dalam setiap pemberontakan yang tercatat dalam buku teks Sejarah, tidak satu yang memperjuangkan "kemerdekaan" melainkan perjuangan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Cuba buka balik: hampir semuanya tidak berpuas hati dengan "kaedah kutipan cukai". Yang pelik lagi ajaib, bukannya orang-orang biasa yang memberontak, tetapi pembesar-pembesar yang mengutip cukai! Kalau tidak salah, konsep feudalisme lah nama yang sesuai. Mereka ingin mengekalkan hak pembesar mengutip cukai, dan menyerahkan hanya sebahagian […]

September 20, 2013

Bagiku Pemahamanku, dan kepadamu Pemahamanmu

Aku paling pelik la ngan sestengah manusia. Mula-mula dia kata "kamu tak tahu sejarah". Bila dah dihuraikan sejarahnya, dia kata "tak faham". Kemudian, bila dikembangkan, lantas dia berkata "atas kertas memang cantik, adakah ianya yang dilaksanakan". Takkan aku menuduh seseorang "buta sejarah". Kenapa? Sebab tiada di Malaysia yang mengetahui semua sejarahnya. Battle of Beting Maro berapa orang tahu? Tak payah rakyat di Tanah Melayu atau […]

September 19, 2013

Good Guys and Bad Guys in History?

History is not one-sided. There is no "good guy vs bad guy". History is a chain of events. Let’s not glorify one over another. In the end, all we are are humankind limited by our faculties and knowledge at the time.

September 17, 2013

Swimming–A Release from Reality

SWIMMING is such a big deal for me: It takes me back to when I was growing up with my Mom. She took us for swims at the pool and the beach. Seeing families there reminds me of the good times. My Mom sent me to swimming lessons. My sinus had to kick in and she stopped it. What I remember from those lessons, I […]

September 4, 2013

Opinion on the Mortal Instruments–Book and Movie

Last week I had the opportunity to watch “THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES” at MBO tHe Spring, Kuching. It was a nice experience. Nothing heavy or serious. Boy meets girl weaved with same-sex attraction. A love triangle which exists between the protagonist, Clary, with Simon and Jace draws a parallel love triangle like Twilight’s. (I thank the people seated behind me for drawing that […]

August 23, 2013

Can a Prime Minister’s Promise bind the Government?

Words uttered by leaders are very authoritative and persuasive. Remember when Obama began his election bid back in 2008? He said “yes, we can” and called for “change”. But can his words bind the Government of the United States of America? The Malaysian Prime Minister – head of the Federal Government – is the first among equals. It is a coveted office by many politicians. […]

August 22, 2013


How would you wish a friend on her birthday? My personal template for birthday greetings – especially on Facebook – is “Happy birthday <Name>! Many happy returns & God bless” or a variation of it. Do You Mean That, or Are You Just Saying? More often than not, I would copy, paste and edit the greetings to keep a personal touch. There are things you […]

August 16, 2013

Bujang, Duda atau Berkahwin: Di Sebalik Sabok

Pada Aidilfitri baru-baru ini, saya sempat melawat (bejarah) rumah bekas rakan sekerja kawan saya di Taman Sukma, Kuching. Berbeza daripada rumah-rumah terbuka yang lain, kali ini saya dapat mempelajari erti di sebalik pemakaian baju Melayu, khususnya dari pandangan Melayu Sarawak. Adakah anda tahu: pemakaian samping (digelar “sabok” sesetengah masyarakat Melayu Sarawak) boleh menunjukkan status perkahwinan seseorang? Sabok di Atas Lutut Kaum lelaki yang belum berkahwin […]

August 15, 2013

An Aidilfitri of Discovery of Cultural Symbology and Practices

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you! In the spirit of the festivities, I attended a number of open houses in Kuching, Sarawak. The last house I visited, IMHO, was the most thrilling. My friend brought me to visit his former colleague. Here, I learnt a lot of new knowledge pertaining to the Malay culture. It was shared so enthusiastically that all three of us who […]

August 14, 2013

Blog Relaunched

Welcome Back! Welcomed back to if this isn’t your first time here. You will notice changes. This was because over the weekend, my personal blog was defaced by non-Malaysian defacers. Every dark cloud has a silver lining, I guess.