One Year of BNI Signature
#BNISignature is a group of business owners and professionals who meet regularly to introduce qualified business to each other. It has been my main platform of meeting people in the last one year. No, it is not my platform to monetise. Yes, there are people out there who can sell RM50,000 insurance policies and/or close RM50million unit trust investments to strangers in one sitting. Please understand that it not me.
When I joined #BNI, the phrase you hear over and over again during the information meetings (10 all in all), with 4 closed door training and the last 52 meetings is: “GIVERS GAIN”. Note how give comes before gain?
That is why I am so persistent about BNI. If you need an accountant, I have one who helped me incorporate my sendirian berhad as well as give me insightful consultation about my business direction. He doesn’t just do accounts. He really coaches us small and medium business owners. He has been in the industry since 1997!
Then we have our conveyancing lawyer. Her patience in guiding me through the legal landscape of Sarawak and Negara Brunei Darussalam is priceless! Not to mention her friendship as well. Who would have thought I could meet this awesome & fashionable attorney with a decade of experience in three jurisdictions!
Let’s not forget our past members.
Our graphic designer turned Tamaki. Yes, he talks straight. He brings to the table concepts and ideas I believe our advertising industry badly needs. As I remarked to him, even ah longs (illegal money lender) puts emphasis on graphic designs these days! Why can’t legitimate businesses? He may be young but he brings his experience working with MNCs in Japan and the United States!
Of course, the ever so charming energy efficiency technologist. One sitting with him, you’d be amazed by how much we are left behind in optimising energy usage. I feel bad I cannot introduce to him the high energy consuming businesses like hotels or shopping mall management.
If I were to write anymore, Facebook will suggest that I write a note instead of a status. That is why I joined BNI Signature – Kuching, Sarawak ( since its second information meeting. This is why in November, I went for the Director Consultants’ Training. You have no idea how much business organisations I can tap into today.
There is not an ounce of regret looking in hindsight.