Month: April 2017

April 20, 2017

Hot cakes and Big Breakfast

Today I woke up at 6am to attend a blood taking session at – tentatively – 8am. It’s part of my annual checkup which I do since 2013. As usual, I refrained from anything except plain water in the 12 hours before. When I was finally done, I decided to drop by McDonald’s for breakfast. This was about 10am. By the time I arrived at […]

April 19, 2017

Starting New — Again

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks. I have to admit that these past few weeks were filled with frustration just as I thought I was taking control of the situation. I realised the cause comes down to the expectations that I have from myself. In the last few days, I’m feeling as if I was drowning. Or worse: I felt like I am aboard […]