Month: June 2015

June 30, 2015

Last Night…

I went through your work last night. Yeah, all your writings there.  From the first to the last. You’re right, the melody to this song is good: But you know that wasn’t my reason. Yes, I was stalking. Looking for those entries about us. I wanted to remember the feeling. The good times. And the bad. What draws me to you. Why I chose you… […]

June 27, 2015

Keeping a Bond Alive

It has been bugging me in the past few months. More so these last couple of days. Our interactions have a regular pattern: we set our eyes on each other. Enjoy each others’ company for a bit. Catch up on trivial stuff and… Talk about business. And then we start arguing. The silent treatment ensues. Either of us would try to fix things after a […]

June 26, 2015

One Year of BNI Signature

‪#‎BNISignature‬ is a group of business owners and professionals who meet regularly to introduce qualified business to each other. It has been my main platform of meeting people in the last one year. No, it is not my platform to monetise. Yes, there are people out there who can sell RM50,000 insurance policies and/or close RM50million unit trust investments to strangers in one sitting. Please […]

June 22, 2015

Testimonial letter from Wijasa Media

  This testimonial was for the speech writing work I did for the Sarawak Wawasan Women Entrepreneurs Association (SARANITA). The project was to write a speech for one of the Guest of Honour for the eSaranita web portal launch: Thank you for the opportunity and testimonial!

June 7, 2015

When Feudalism 2.0 Goes Online in the Face of Tragedy

Us vs. Them. This sentiment is no stranger to us. We see it in our daily lives. In the Borneo partners of the Federation, it is even stronger. Since coming together with Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak barely saw the benefits of Malaysia – or so we like to say. I do not deny since 1963, the development – especially commercial, educational, technological and infrastructural – […]