Month: March 2014

March 30, 2014

If you suffer a heart attach within the next hour, are you and your loved ones well equipped?

Randomly in the next 60 minutes, you suffer a heart attack and collapse. Can you afford it? Can your loved ones afford it? Are they taken care of? In the last couple of weeks, we have been shaken by many incidents which reminds us of how fragile our lives are. Families are greatly affected by their spouse’s, children’s, mother’s, or father’s death. Sitting in the […]

March 19, 2014

Reality Sinking In

The road before me is scary. Risks are running high. One licencing exam completed. Another one coming up. In the same month, Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA2) is due. After presenting my vision board, it dawned upon me how much I expect frommyself in 5 years. When I told my employer that I am aiming RM3,000 though my UTC full time, his response was, "I think […]

March 17, 2014

What Kept Me on the Edge On Days Leading to Saturday

16 November 2013  Took the Computerised Unit Trust Exam (CUTE) at Cosmopoint Kuching. I failed. Early February 2014, I decided to give it another shot. Unlike the first time, I sat for “Understanding Unit Trust Basics” (UUTB) module in its completeness. I also took the “Best Practices” module, another training required before being a Unit Trust Consultant (UTC). Come Saturday, March 15th, 2014, about four […]

March 13, 2014

Re-Doing a Vision Board

Visions and dreams help us get out of routine mode and enter an accelerated and focused route. Well, some of us at least. I noticed – from those around me – many stopped dreaming after they’ve attained a dream: obtaining a degree, joining the career that they want, or settle down. After that it is all “grown up business”. Someone has to pay the bills, […]

March 9, 2014

Keeping MH370 in Mind

Saturday morning. As usual I checked my Facebook via the mobile app. My uncle posted a screen capture photo. It was a headline claiming that a Malaysian Airlines plane disappeared 2:40am that morning. As the day passed, news and statuses began pouring in and flooding my timeline. By that time, many woke to the unsettling news: MH370 has disappeared. After a series of unwelcomed remarks […]

March 3, 2014

Redirecting Yesterday’s Ramblings

After having a long hiatus from blogging, it seems like my writing skills have eluded me! Despite the awkward ramblings, I’ll just leave it there. I’m blessed. I thank the Almighty – despite still being mad at Him – for my blessings of family, friends, health, acumen, talent and capabilities, opportunities and bounties. At the same time I am disappointed with my progress. Unreached Milestones […]

March 2, 2014

Thinking of the Future: Do I know Where I am Going To?

A place I find myself frequenting a lot is the future. Over and over I ask: where am I going to? Am I getting any closer? Brian Tracy says that “acting intelligently” is “action leading you towards your goals”. Acting stupidly, on the other hand are actions and omissions that brings you further from your goal, or when you are acting without any goals. Where […]