Category: History

June 9, 2017

Hung Parliament: Minority Government, Coalition, or Confidence & Supply

Results of the UK Elections are coming in as I write this entry. Already many are calling on the departure of Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury, and Minister for the Civil Service. Terms that are entering the lexicon of observers and enthusiasts alike include hung parliament and minority government. Of course, there will be those who – like Jeremy […]

December 25, 2013

A Documentary on the Muslim Jesus

I would like to invite you to watch the documentary above. My only regret is that we do not have enough of non-confrontational works that help different communities understand their religious, cultural and moral beliefs. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

September 21, 2013

Beruk Putih dan Masyarakat Sarawak: Hope for a Renaissance

The Federation of Malaya has a lot to thank the Brooke Rulers. In their hundred years of personal rule – meaning no funding from the British Government or its colonial office or a body corporate with a large resource and influence – the united the peoples of Sarawak. They carved up the largest region forming Malaysia. On top of that, they changed – little by […]

September 21, 2013

Revolusi dan Perjuangan

Dalam setiap pemberontakan yang tercatat dalam buku teks Sejarah, tidak satu yang memperjuangkan "kemerdekaan" melainkan perjuangan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Cuba buka balik: hampir semuanya tidak berpuas hati dengan "kaedah kutipan cukai". Yang pelik lagi ajaib, bukannya orang-orang biasa yang memberontak, tetapi pembesar-pembesar yang mengutip cukai! Kalau tidak salah, konsep feudalisme lah nama yang sesuai. Mereka ingin mengekalkan hak pembesar mengutip cukai, dan menyerahkan hanya sebahagian […]

September 20, 2013

Bagiku Pemahamanku, dan kepadamu Pemahamanmu

Aku paling pelik la ngan sestengah manusia. Mula-mula dia kata "kamu tak tahu sejarah". Bila dah dihuraikan sejarahnya, dia kata "tak faham". Kemudian, bila dikembangkan, lantas dia berkata "atas kertas memang cantik, adakah ianya yang dilaksanakan". Takkan aku menuduh seseorang "buta sejarah". Kenapa? Sebab tiada di Malaysia yang mengetahui semua sejarahnya. Battle of Beting Maro berapa orang tahu? Tak payah rakyat di Tanah Melayu atau […]

September 19, 2013

Good Guys and Bad Guys in History?

History is not one-sided. There is no "good guy vs bad guy". History is a chain of events. Let’s not glorify one over another. In the end, all we are are humankind limited by our faculties and knowledge at the time.