Category: Quotes

November 3, 2015

You Are the Company that You Keep

They said: show me your friends, I’ll show you where you will be in 5 years time. I am grateful for having supportive and positive people around me. Whether they are from #BNISignature, #BNIEminence, #BNIPower, #BNIPioneer, or in #BNI in general, or my family members, relatives, friends, and associates who readily give advice and share their knowledge. I am thankful for the philosophy of #GiversGain. […]

November 2, 2015

Monday Blues? End them today!

Do you dread each time Monday comes? Have you come up with a plan to make every Monday worthwhile? What can excite you each and every day? #GiversGain #BNISignature #BNIEminence #EntrepreneursOnFire #SoNearYetSoFar #LifestyleDesign ===== Follow me everywhere! ===== Official site: My JSite: YouTube: IG: @atinkertoyad Twitter: @ibanese_aldric Telegram: @atinkertoyad WeChat: @aldrict FB: Pinterest: ===== About A. Tinker Toyad ===== Hi! […]

November 1, 2015

Chase Your Dreams — Follow Those Who Are

We have gone so far since the time of the post and telegram. Who could have imagined that we are becoming more and more interconnected with the world every day! Rules of the Game has changed tremendously. Uncertainty is the new reality. However possibilities are truly endless! Here is to all of you who are going after your dreams! Remember to checkout my website today: […]